[2020-10] Media in the Middle East: Shaping Influence, Challenges Ahead > 이슈 리포트

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[2020-10] Media in the Middle East: Shaping Influence, Challenges Ahea…

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작성자 관리자 작성일20-11-09 16:15 조회679회


한국외대 미디어커뮤니케이션연구소『미디어외교센터』 이슈리포트 

<Communicating the Middle East: 
Shaping Influence, Challenges Ahead

10월 이슈리포트는 <Communicating the Middle East: Shaping Influence, Challenges Ahead>을 주제로 합니다. 

본 이슈리포트의 저자 이경선 교수는 UAE에서 다년간 미디어에 관한 연구를 수행해왔습니다. 저자는 이번 이슈리포트를 통해 세계화시대 중동 사회에 대한 대중의 편중된 시각과 가짜 뉴스에 대한 논의를 전개하고 국제 방송의 역할과 한계 등에 관한 시사점을 제시했습니다. 

This monthly issue report explores the role of the media in shaping public opinion about the Middle East. When it comes to the Middle East, a large majority of media content that reaches the global audience is filtered through the eyes of Western media and policymakers. This report discusses how the reality of the Middle East, as seen through the lens of western interests, informs the public in Korea. Further, Korea’s interest in the region predominated by economic motives has, I argue, created an unbalanced and partialized perception of the Middle East among the Korean public. The following section then goes onto discuss recent response by the Middle East in its effort to tell its own story. Finally, the persistent challenges facing the region are explored with suggestions on changes that need to come from both in and outside the region.




앞으로도 미디어외교센터가 발간하는 이슈리포트에 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.


한국외대 미디어외교센터 

※ 첨부자료 : Issue report 10_ Communicating the Middle East



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